Bungie Encourages Applicants to Engage in Specific Games for Consideration in a 'Marathon' Role
Marathon's advancement towards an alleged 2025 launch is something I'll believe once I witness it. A significant factor in making this game popular is creating a game that appeals to players. While some "Bungie shooter essence" from titles like Destiny and Halo will be incorporated into Marathon, Bungie is also drawing inspiration from various other shooter games. In search of fresh talent, they're looking for a Gameplay Analyst who is proficient in specific titles.
The job posting, initially spotted by Destiny Tracker, requires candidates to:
- Demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of tactical decisions in first-person shooter (FPS) games, with a special focus on the extraction shooter subgenre, preferably games like Escape from Tarkov.
- Prior experience of at least 200 hours spent on this or a similar title is essential.
- Regularly engage in ranked game modes in Call of Duty Warzone, Apex Legends, or Rainbow Six: Siege.
Thus, we have one extraction shooter, two battle royale games, and one tactical shooter. The Tarkov requirement is notably high, given Marathon's core focus on extraction shooter gameplay. Marathon's "hero" system is said to be reminiscent of games like Apex or Siege, featuring diverse classes with unique abilities, while allowing for some level of customization through loot acquisition.
Remember, Bungie aims to distinguish itself from the crowd. However, if you're considering applying for this role, be cautious. While the opportunity might appeal to some, there have been cases where "hiring fans" at Bungie didn't always fare well. Moreover, McGowan, former Bungie Head Counsel, noted:

“With gaming companies, one of the things they can get away with is low pay, because you’re working on a game you love,” said McGowan. “And we totally took advantage of that at Bungie. We hired fans because fans would work for less.”
The proposed pay range is $71,000 to $81,000 in the "Bellevue" region, Seattle's costly part where Bungie is based. The company claims the salary might be adjusted for remote work from other locations. Just ensure you're receiving a fair compensation, given the immense value your work will bring to Marathon's success.
Bungie takes a significant risk with Marathon, anticipating a massive entry into the extraction shooter market (in terms of investment, at least). The question remains whether the market will embrace or require another significant extraction shooter outside of Tarkov as the primary choice. With Bungie's reputation, they have a solid foundation to outshine competitors. Time will tell if the 2025 deadline will be met.
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The Gameplay Analyst position, as mentioned in the job posting, requires a deep understanding of extraction shooter games like Escape from Tarkov, which is notable considering Marathon's focus on this genre. With Marathon's "hero" system reminiscent of Apex Legends and Rainbow Six: Siege, it seems that marathon runners in the world of gaming might soon be participating in an extraction marathon.