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'Dota 2' Prohibits Over 65,000 Impersonators and Cheaters During Frostivus Update

In a festive update, Dota 2 has expelled more than 65,000 impostors and cheaters through a fresh wave of bans, concurrently introducing new cosmetic items and festive goodies.

Frostivus-related artwork for the Dota 2 game update.
Frostivus-related artwork for the Dota 2 game update.

'Dota 2' Prohibits Over 65,000 Impersonators and Cheaters During Frostivus Update

A recent update for Dota 2's annual Forstivus event has resulted in the removal of over 65,000 smurfs and cheaters from the game. This holiday season, it seems that Valve is granting the community's wishes by delivering a much-needed cleanse.

According to a recent blog post, the Dota 2 community has seen the banishment of approximately 65,594 smurf accounts, alongside a handful of cheaters and MMR manipulators in high-level games. This event mirrors a previous purge that took place last year, making it a cheerful tradition for Dota 2 enthusiasts.

In the aforementioned blog post, Valve has not only decided to ban smurfs, who negatively impact the overall gaming experience, but has also portrayed its wrath upon win traders and bug exploiters, who have seemingly skyrocketed in popularity within high-level games during the past year.

Although the substantial number of bans is welcoming, some fans have voiced concerns as to why such a large number was implemented at once, rather than gradually. Valve's justification in their blog post is that they have been quietly banning accounts throughout the year, but many players are skeptical without any supporting evidence presented.

The freshly released Dota 2 patch also offers several Forstivus goodies, such as a new treasure filled with immortal items and a revamped crafting system to help you unlock some neat new cosmetics, including a musical tormentor skin.

The new update also provides several stylish hats, which are sure to delight Dota aficionados. Each character now dons a festive hat at the outset of the game, and with each kill, tormentor vanquished, and Roshan slain, a new hat will be added to your collection. This process can result in heroes finishing the game with a towering stack of hats perched on their head, making for a joyful holiday present for players.

The patch includes a brand new children's book within the client, and a sale in the Crownfall store, enabling you to purchase some of the previously released content from the event at a lower price point. Utilizing Crownfall coins, you can further reduce the cost, making it an attractive option for players.

There are no upcoming balance changes with this patch, making it highly unlikely that any adjustments will be made before the year's end. Despite this, the current Dota 2 meta isn't in dire straits, but balance changes are always appreciated within the Dota 2 community, and their absence leaves a somewhat disappointing taste in our mouths. However, the new hats provide a satisfying alternative!

The recent update for the annual Forstivus event in Dota 2 included a ban on over 65,000 smurf accounts, aiming to improve the gaming experience for all players. This is not the first time Valve has taken such action, as they also purged a large number of smurfs and cheaters during the same event last year. Although some players question the sudden increase in bans, the update also brings new Forstivus goodies, such as a new treasure with immortal items and a revamped crafting system.

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