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Unlocking the Mystery of Wordle #1302: Hints, Clues, and the Answer

Unlocking today's New York Times Wordle? Need a helping hand? We've got you covered with hints, clues, and insightful commentary to guide you through the challenge and honed your guessing skills.

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Unlocking the Mystery of Wordle #1302: Hints, Clues, and the Answer

Looking forward to Friday fun, unless you're stuck in snow or worse, evacuated due to the ongoing California wildfires. It's heartbreaking to witness the damage in Los Angeles, especially when considering the potential impact on our climate change future. But let's shift our focus to today's Wordle!

Solving Today's Wordle

Hint: Unclean.

Clue: Begins with a consonant.

Don't peek if you don't want the answer revealed!




Wordle Analysis

Curious about your Wordles? Check out Wordle Bot for assistance!

Play a variety of games on our site, including:

Title: Unleashing Creativity with Wordle #1302
  • Frase: Unscramble an anagram!
  • Pinpoint: Guess the category!
  • Queens: Crown each region!
  • Crossclimb: Unlock a trivia ladder!

Unable to make a decimal number out of my chores, I chose CHORE as my first guess. DAILY seemed like a plausible second option given the grey tiles and 454 remaining possibilities. Although I didn't anticipate winning with such a start, luck was on my side as CHORE turned out to be the Wordle!

Competitive Wordle Score:Guessing in 3 earns you 1 point, while beating the Bot's 4 tries earns you an additional 2 points. 2 points for me! Cheers!

How to Play Competitive Wordle

A competitive scoring system allowing for more engaging Wordle games:

  1. Guessing in 1 = 3 points
  2. Guessing in 2 = 2 points
  3. Guessing in 3 = 1 point
  4. Guessing in 4 = 0 points
  5. Guessing in 5 = -1 points
  6. Guessing in 6 = -2 points
  7. Missing the Wordle = -3 points
  8. If you outscore your opponent, gain 1 point; if you tie, gain 0 points; if you lose, lose 1 point.
  9. Keep a daily or lifetime score.
  10. Fridays offer 2XP, meaning double your points (whether positive or negative).
  11. Allow options for daily or lifetime score tracking.

Wordle Etymology - Sometimes Confusing Words

The term "dingy" (meaning dull, dirty, or lacking brightness) likely stems from an Old English dialect word, "dingy," which means dirty or unclean. It is also related to the term "dung," referring to manure or filth. Keep in mind, "dingy" should not be mistaken for the term "dinghy," which refers to a small boat.

Join me in sharing your Wordle experiences on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook! Also, remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow along on this blog for more game, TV show, and movie insights. Sign up for my newsletter for regular reviews and commentary on the entertainment world.

The #1302 Wordle hint is "Unclean", starting with a consonant. Today's Wordle is a challenge, and you can find hints and clues on Wordle Bot for assistance. Don't forget to check out other games like Frase, Pinpoint, Queens, and Crossclimb on the site as well. I managed to solve today's Wordle with "CHORE", guessing in 3 for 1 point. If you're stuck, Saturday's Wordle answer is available for reference. If you enjoy competitive Wordle games, make sure to follow the scoring system to increase your points. And for those eager to learn about Wordle's etymology, the term "dingy" actually originates from an Old English dialect word, meaning "dirty or unclean".

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